Creating bespoke low carbon environmental solutions for our clients

CTL Foodstore

Client Deeley Freed Estates & DF Development Management / Location Bristol, UK /
Sector Industrial / Project Value £3m / Status March - May 2021 / Stages RIBA 1 - 3

The provision of M&E consultancy services associated with the reserved matters planning application submission & further design & construction stages for the proposed Lidl store at the Cribbs Triangle site, on behalf of Deeley Freed Estates & DF Development Management (DFE&DFDM).

The project is known as Cribbs Triangle - Foodstore. This is one parcle of the overall Cribbs Triangle development site, which shall include a community centre and residential units, plus the potential for other uses.

The project is the first stage as part of a wider mixed-use development for the site.

The initial input from Box Twenty was to provide sufficient information to the architects along the lines of RIBA Stage 2 input in order to obtain reserved matters (RM) planning consent for the Lidl food store on the site.

Box Twenty’s role included an initial space planning exercise validating the building design against the Lidl M&E specification to ensure all necessary plant and services systems could be installed within the Architectural constraints.

Box Twenty also developed a concept external lighting design taking account of the specific sensitivities of the site including a protected bat highway bordering the site.