Creating bespoke low carbon environmental solutions for our clients

Dick Lovett

Client Campbell Reith / Location Bath, UK / Sector Student Residential
Project Value £18m / Status Sept 2019 - Ongoing

Two 5-storey blocks to house nearly 300 students on Lower Bristol Road.

The site already has outline planning permission for a combination of 345no. student residential / build to rent units built in two 5-storey blocks and a retail unit (supermarket) at ground floor level.

The firm is planning to level the Mini dealership, an office and a warehouse to build studio and cluster student bedrooms, with 1,100sqm of retail space on the ground floor.

As the proposed development does not include any on-site car parking provision, in line with the outline planning permission, it will have very limited impact on local traffic flows and any resulting addition of vehicular emissions.

The client requires Box Twenty to develop the existing proposals and provide information sufficient to submit a reserved matters detailed planning application in December 2019.

Box Twenty are to provide a number of reports in support of the detailed planning application as required. These documents include; plant space allowances, riser allowances, ventilation strategy, a Sustainable Design Statement, Lighting Strategy Report, Utility Services Assessment and an Acoustic Report.

We have also included as an optional cost for M&E design input during the period up to planning submission to inform the architectural plans and layouts so that plant, risers, ceiling voids & louvres etc have been considered and be incorporated into the application.