Creating bespoke low carbon environmental solutions for our clients

Shrivenham Defence Academy

Client RLB/ MOD / Location Shrivenham, UK / Sector Defence
Project Value £undisclosed / Status Jun 2017 - Apr 2019 / Stages 1-5

Undertaking condition & asset surveys across all 150no. buildings on this defence academy site over 3 years.

Box Twenty implemented the recommended works on behalf of Serco for AMP 2018 & 2019 PPM implementation strategies.

Marlborough & Wellington House

Box Twenty carried out high level conditions surveys of Marlborough & Wellington House and identified building services related issues within the existing installations.

We also undertook a gap analysis on the available record information, operating & maintenance manuals and servicing records.

Shrivenham Defence Academy – Tranche 2

Another sub section of this project involved Box Twenty carrying out several of the Tranche 2 surveys of buildings.

This involved surveying the existing services, assessing the age of equipment and the required refurbishment and replacement works required.

Shrivenham Defence Academy – Tranche 3&4

Box Twenty were reappointed to carry out the next stage of the surveys, which was working on Tranche 3 & 4 of buildings at Shrivenham Defence Academy.

Tranche 3 consisted of 17 buildings with a tight programme. These were some of the largest of the buildings on the site.

Tranche 4 consisted of 75 buildings across the estate. Surveying the existing services, assessing the age of equipment, capturing specific asset data and assessing the required refurbishment and replacement works required.

The surveys were part of a strategy to identify and improve the implementation of ongoing maintenance. A lot of the data collection was common across both types of surveys.

Our team developed a web-based data input application “ToolBoxTwenty” which enabled data including photos to be input onto mobile phones during the surveys. This saved time and improved consistency in our reporting across the survey team which extended across nearly 150 buildings on site.